Expert editors for dedicated writers.

If you’re looking for a guide through the gnarly wilds of book revision, you’re in the right place. Welcome to the inner sanctum.

Headshot: Meghan Pinson
Managing Editor Meghan Pinson

Whether you’re submitting to agents or planning to indie publish, your book needs to be clean, compelling, and ready to rumble. You don’t have to know everything to become a good writer — you just need a great editor. As Hemingway said, “It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.”

When writers don’t have reliable feedback, they have no way of knowing how their work measures up. We’ve been helping authors improve their style and storytelling for the past ten years, and we would be honored to help you hit your stride.

Our Editing Services

A First Read

When you need to know whether your work is ready for the reading public, start with our beta reader program or a manuscript critique.

The Deep Work

When you’ve had reliable critique and you’re ready to do the work, we’ll guide you through developmental and line editing.

Publishing Strategy

When you need a check-in on your publishing plan, whether indie or traditional, we’ll point you in the right direction.

Meet the Editors

Photo of Matthew Arkin looking smoldering

Matthew Arkin

Matthew Arkin’s lifelong immersion in books, film, and theater means he brings a wealth of experience to his story editing.

Photo of Meghan in the Rockies

Meghan Pinson

Meghan Pinson is managing editor and founder of My Two Cents Editing. She specializes in developmental editing and line editing.

Photo of Rhonda Erb with fancy camera in Italy

Rhonda Erb

Rhonda Erb’s discerning eye and dauntless pursuit of accuracy make her an invaluable wingwoman for authors and editors alike.


Meghan pushed when I needed a kick in the butt and praised when I deserved it. I felt overwhelmed at times, but I survived. One of the best things I learned was how to read my own book honestly. As I told her, “You make me feel like a real writer.”

– C.C.

After a very long day, I had the chance to read Matthew’s critique. I almost cried at the beginning when he wrote the whole premise of the book. I shouted, “He gets it.” Seeing all the problems on paper made me realize I have a lot of work to do. I can’t wait to start writing.
– J. W.

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