Our Clients’ Published Projects

The books we edit, like the books we read for pleasure and understanding, play a critical part in who we become. It is with serious gratitude to our clients that we present the published books below. Every single collaboration over a manuscript taught us more about what it means to be a writer, an editor, and a person in the world. If Carlos Ruiz Zafón was right that “books are mirrors: you only see in them what you have inside you,” then each of these stories represents a trip through the looking-glass and what we all found there. These are the lucky few that are ready for the rest of the world.


Fantasy & Paranormal

Historical Fiction

Mystery, Suspense, Thriller

Time Travel

Children’s & Middle Grade

Young Adult & New Adult


Family History, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction

Health & Relationships

Each cover on this page links to an Amazon page, where as an Amazon Affiliate, we earn a small percentage of qualifying purchases. Although we prefer to support independent bookstores rather than Amazon, we’ve chosen to link the titles on this page to Amazon because as the leading online bookseller, Amazon has more reviews than any other site, and because Amazon reviews have proven to be critical to indie authors’ sales.

The best gift you can give an author is a positive review of their book, so we encourage you to give generously. Of course, if you don’t have anything nice to say, and nobody’s asked your opinion, you may as well not say anything at all.

Each of these books is available through independent booksellers as well — if you don’t already have a favorite local indie bookstore, go to IndieBound.org to find one near you.