Mini Critique


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A mini critique, also known as a manuscript critique or editorial assessment, is an excellent way to get an idea of how your current draft would fare in the wild. What might happen if you sent this out to agents right now? What kind of reviews would you get if you indie published this tomorrow? An editorial assessment will tell you.

With a mini critique, we’ll read your full draft and make light annotations. When we’re finished reading, we’ll write a brief critique letter and schedule a 1-hour call to discuss your draft’s strengths and weaknesses. Is it time to send it out? Is it time to go back to the drawing board? We’ll give you our honest opinion, then help you decide which steps to take next.

We’ll put ourselves in the mindset of your ideal reader and get ready to settle in for a good read. As we read, we’ll take very light notes in the margins, and when we’re finished, we’ll write an editorial letter that addresses the challenges this draft is facing. We’ll deliver your editorial letter and annotated manuscript, then invite you to schedule a phone call to discuss the critique. You’ll have a full hour to ask questions, troubleshoot problems, and work out a strategy for your next steps. When you’ve had a chance to dive into your revisions and are eager for notes on the progress you’re making, we’ll have an hour of consultation in reserve for you. You can send a revised passage, schedule a phone call, or both. We just want you to be confident that you’re moving in the right direction.

  • Initial consultation to discuss your goals and process for this book
  • Lightly annotated manuscript
  • Brief editorial letter (3-5 single-spaced pages)
  • 1-hour strategy session to answer your questions and explore your next steps
  • 1-hour follow-up session as you begin your revisions

A note about word count: If your manuscript has more than 150,000 words, it’s likely you either have more than one book on your hands or you’re writing epic fantasy. Let’s chat. If your word count is considerably lower than 50,000, check out our Introduction to Editing service.

Additional information

Word Count

Up to 100,000 words, Up to 125,000 words, Up to 150,000 words, Up to 50,000 words, Up to 80,000 words

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