A First Read

Is your work ready for the reading public?
What kinds of reviews would you get if you published tomorrow?
From beta reader feedback to assessing the strengths, weaknesses, and prospects
of your book or script, we can help.

Beta Readers

Beta Readers

Submission to 500+ Subscribers
Beta Reader Report
Strategy Session

Editorial Assessment

Editorial Assessment

Concept Talk
Manuscript Critique
Strategy Session
Revision Check

Script Critique

Script Critique

Concept Talk
Script Coverage
Strategy Session

Request a free consultation now.

“…if there’s one thing that the reader’s brain is not hardwired to be curious about, it’s this: I wonder what scrumptious metaphor the writer is going to use next. What breathtaking turn of phrase will she come up with now? It turns out the brain is far less picky about lyrical language than we’ve been led to believe. We don’t come for beautiful language, poetic writing, or even dramatic plot points. We come for something much deeper, much more meaningful: inside info on how to survive in this glorious, cruel, beautiful world, and in style no less.”

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